Explore to Germany

We will help you find the best places to visit in Germany !


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Popular places

Find out about the must-see areas in Germany that many tourists already know and visit


Where to stay? Which ones to choose for accommodation in Germany? Which hotels are safe and clean . You will find them all in our accommodation guide


Have a perfect trip that you will always remember

Germany has a rich historical and cultural heritage. There are many places to visit and see in this country, which is the largest economy in the European Union and has a high level of prosperity.

You can see the Brandenburger Tor in Berlin or enjoy The Grand Opera House and canals in Hamburg. We recommend reading our content about Germany before your trip because it will truly enhance your travel experience.

Is Germany really a good option to travel ?

Germany has an area of 357,000 km² and a population of about 84 million as of 2023. Many people from various nations live here. Concepts such as freedom and human rights are very important in Germany. You’ll particularly feel this more in large cities like Berlin, Cologne, and Hamburg.

Considering that 185 million people visit this European country every year, Germany is quite accommodating. When we look at the crime index, we can say that many cities in Germany are safer than cities of many other countries. Of course, as with any trip, it is important to find best places to travel in Germany, as well as to search for safe accommodation and restaurants. Therefore, by following our travel tips , you can create a route and spend your trip efficiently.

What you need to do before travelling Germany ?

Create a good route

It’s always good to have a plan. Before your trip, draw at least a simple itinerary. Read our content about the most popular and beautiful places to visit in Germany to get ideas .

Book your  accommodation early and at an affordable price

It is important to guarantee your accommodation before your trip. Because reservations can run out quickly, especially in places that are very touristy, such as Germany. Complete your bookings through a travel agent or read our last posts about accommodation to take advantage of excellent discounts and benefits.

Choose a good travel insurance for your trip

While enjoying your trip, you don’t want any mishaps to occur. However, it’s a part of human nature. Unfortunately, sometimes unfavorable situations can happen, especially if it’s a country you’re unfamiliar with and visiting for the first time, it can sour your experience. To avoid such situations, get good travel insurance and enjoy your journey.

Don’ t be a stranger

Are you new in Germany and don’t know what to do or where to go?

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